Sameer Babbar’ s Rules of personal positioning
By observing those who have positioned well in life and work, I have come across key thoughts and ideas that are helpful.
1. Worry about impact, impression will follow
2. Your attire does not define who you are your deeds do. Others may assume your deeds based on your attire.
3. Our deeds, not our thoughts define who we appear to be. We need to address ‘deeds’ to impact the world.
4. If your thought, actions and artefacts are inconsistent your impact will be abysmal.
5. Comparing your impact and life outcomes with someone else’s is futile as what got them here is a sum total act of different thoughts, influences, actions and artefacts transcending generations.
6. Your challenges can and will make you miserable. However, feeling or portraying being miserable will always be a choice.
7. Future is unknown and uncertain. Today will have a role to play in your future. You can anticipate a version of the future and take action now. If the vision of possible future changes your actions today should too.
8. To earn respect, you should have more of something for others to compare with.
9. If your deeds have substance, your focus on sizzle will help enhance visibility. If you don’t have substance, your focus on creating a sizzle will be momentary.
10. If you stay in a herd you become a part of the herd. You will feel safe in the herd but you will imbibe all vice in the herd. To truly grow, you need to stretch beyond, stand out to have the courage, strength and ability to define your position than the herd follows you.
11. You can either follow or define your own path, the latter needs more work and you may end up in oblivion or oasis. When you follow, you are always at someone’s mercy for your path’s outcome.
12. If your deeds don’t invoke a positive emotional response in others you impact will be abysmal.
13. You have to be careful about what you do and what you don’t. What you don’t matter’s the most. It defines your focus.
14. Make sure others have earned the right to be with you, talk to you, to influence you.
15. When you are part of a herd it is easy to predict your position and outcome. When you are alone, ambiguity is much higher for others to predict.
16. Your associations will define your identity.
17. They only know a version of you, you can chose what you show.
18. You can make noise to seek attention. Attention diminishes when the noise does. You can make music that lingers. Legacy is all about that.
19. Given a choice, we prefer to remember a pretty picture over an ugly one. Change the picture or change the perspective of beauty.