Mood Visualisation

Wisdom of Ages:

This is an interactive version of radial chart to depict the emotional content. Can be used to measure and compare two different movies in the same genera - say rom-com’s. Bharata Muni enunciated the eight Rasas in the Nātyasāstra, an ancient Sanskrit text of dramatic theory and other performance arts, written between 200 BC and 200 AD ( Some consider the origins to be 500 BC) . The application of this was lost through generations. This example suggests a simple and easy way to graphically present the emotive content of a movie or an entertainment.

Please download the files on your computer ( all the three) and then open the HTML file in a browser to interactively depict the emotional content of a movie, novel or any situation that you may like to describe. Just to give an idea there are two movies classified. Looking at the shape it gives a perfect idea of classification and eliminates all ambiguity in depiction.

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Pretty Woman


