Are you getting the combination to safe or winning lottery numbers

We are very used to seeking advice.  Before you do that you should question if you are getting the combination to the safe - the numbers that will allow them to share their prosperity with you or the lottery numbers that give them a windfall. 

They will happily give you their winning lottery numbers but they are already stale by the time you get them as they are yesterday’s numbers. What won them yesterday is unlikely to give you a win today. Copying their strategy is prone to risk and failures.  

The combination to the safe is hard to get, what you will get is how to open the safe. There is always a number missing or a quirk that you have to work out yourself. Buffet can tell you exactly what he does, so can Musk but to replicate has to be your efforts on your combination on your own safe.

Hence the in the startup world lessons are taken from everywhere and you try to open your combination one at a time. if it is not working pivot to a different combination.  

-Sameer Babbar

Sameer Babbar