Purposeful decisions: Remember your Ikigai
Each human being has a purpose of being. One’s value and beliefs and reason to be creates their Ikigai. It a Japanese word
This Japanese concept of being and being purposeful is also one’s essence. While making decisions make sure you keep this in mind. Your 'ikigai' influences all aspects of your life - what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs and what you can be paid for. This is a purposeful way to exist. Keeping it in consideration in your decision making will help you keep clarity and stay clear of self inflicted conflict.
It is an inner state when one is true to oneself and as a result there is a mental state one is at peace with oneself.
It should not be confused with the state where one has to stretch oneself out of the comfort zone to learn, experience and implement new things. It is a state of purposeful existence not linked to finance. Congruence with self and purposefulness drives humans to live a happy life and existence with others which is useful and productive within society.
While making decisions make sure you know your purpose to be….!
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Sameer Babbar
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