Quantum Physics to human life: measurement changes everything
Photo by Kolleen Gladden on Unsplash
In 1927, a German physicist Werner Heisenberg found that the position and velocity of an object cannot be measured exactly the same time even in theory. The act of measuring it changes it that the measurement cannot be made
Quite similar is what happens in the human world.
Around the same time 1927 research team from Harvard Business School was invited to join the studies after a Hawthorne experiment that was conducted first in 1924 at Western Electric Company
It was found that that irrespective of changing the circumstances in which the performance of the staff was observed the performance improved, and thus it was identified that the performance improved not on the basis of circumstances that were changed, but purely on the fact that they were being observed.
According to significant research in the field of psychology it was found that goal setting or identifying the measures to put in place behaviour as well performance improvement was observed. (Edward Locke in Gary Latham in 1990)
What is observed is that the energy that is mobilised leads to higher effort overall and higher efforts led to increase in persistent effort and better outcome.
if you want to see a dial move start observing it
If you want to see a change start measuring
Photo by Colton Kresser on Unsplash