How do buzzwords, slogans and quotes cloud your decision making process!!
This is another topic on the decision making process. This time I am focussing my attention on bogus slogans, quotes analogies that may sound like gospel however it is far from it. Besides creating confusion it can grossly mislead the subject (or victim)
Relying on powerful but empty words. I am sure you have come across umpteen number of slogans for example “when life gives you lemons make lemonade” forgetting we need water and sugar it just undermines the struggle one may be going through. If you are trying to suggest that try and convert adversity into an opportunity then explaining “HOW” may be a good start, empathy is vital however someone in a strife may not share the same context and perspective.
We are so accustomed to using these words, slogans and punchlines that share them, exchange them and use them to provide advice to others. They may sound wonderful but without relevance, context and meaning they nothing short of being bogus. Trust me you don’t have to pay heed to them and not play kick the tin can to the next pole grrr! pass them around.
You are what you eat other than segmenting it from food preference and allergies it does not define me. Money can’t buy you happiness. Perhaps comes from someone who doesn’t have money is spreading negative association with money and pushing it further away. Remember context is vital in all these. Forgiveness as a character is better suited to mighty not those who are meek. Someone seeking alms teaching the benefit of charity seems like conflict of interest to me.
Alls fair in love and war, what is construct of society we are creating ? A possibility of everyone killing everyone? Only I can change my life no one can do it for me, can be grossly misleading. How would an insurance company deal with that statement? Nothing is impossible or you can do anything can only push the reader into an impractical la-la land. I remember one of my cohorts who was colour blind had to drop out of a training course and further from a job as the task required recognition at split second. When your cardiac cardiac surgeon ( hope you never ever need one) says anything is possible, I have to just believe in it, it might be time to find a new surgeon. If an analogy or metaphor does not sound relevant, it isn’t. It’s presented itself after years of use, abuse and neglect it’s time to ignore it. Next time you encounter verbal mumbo jumbo, remember you have been warned.
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